This plant listing is for Helleborus 'IVORY PRINCE' bears large, single-petalled, rich rose-tinged buds that open into creamy white flowers. The flowers mature to rose and chartreuse shades. Stems are red. Foliage of deeply lobed evergreen leaves create year-round garden interest. 'Ivory Prince', known as Helleborus x hybridus 'Walhelivor', is a vigorous perennial producing an abundant floral display with blooms starting in the winter and continuing into spring. I have had the same plants for 28 years in my garden and they still bloom every December in the snow. Zone 5-8.
Mature size is 12-18" x 24".
Plants ship either bare root or potted. When shipping plants bare root it helps keep shipping fees reasonable.
Plants typically ship from mid-April through late May.
Plants are approximately 10 -12+ inches from the plant's crown to the top of the leaves. These plants have bloomed for one season and will continue to bloom annually. These plants are Idaho field-grown and have spent one winter here already. They are healthy and beautiful.
Common name: Hellebores, Christmas Roses
Botanical name: Helleborus x hybridus 'Walhelivor', commonly called Ivory Prince
Please see the 'Helleborus Information' section for plant characteristics and planting instructions.
Great companion plants are - Brunnera, Dicentra (Bleeding Heart), Heuchera (Coral Bells), Hosta, Bergenia, and many other shade-loving plants.
Helleborus 'IVORY PRINCE' - HGC® Series, Winter Blooming
Hellebores are low-maintenance and mostly disease and pest-free. In the spring simply trim back last year's foliage. These hardy plants can adapt to diverse growing conditions. They prefer rich, moist,
organic soil, but will also grow in clay or sandy soil. Good soil drainage in the soil is important for healthy root development. Once established these plants can tolerate short periods of drought. Soil pH can range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Hellebores are shade plants that need to be protected from the hot afternoon sun. They can grow in full shade under large deciduous trees, but the winter sun helps set their blooms. In the fall heavily mulch the soil at the base of Helleborus plants. In the spring new seedlings will grow in this mulch and can then be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.
WARNING: Hellebores are poisonous. Do not consume any part of the plant!
When to Plant:
Late winter to early spring, or in the Fall
Keep plants moderately moist but not wet
Planting Level:
At crown level